Technology in Education

Technological fields are increasingly thriving now in various branches such as agriculture, industry, medicine and not forgetting in the field of education. 

Technology in education is now progressing in line with global developments. The role of technology, in a traditional school setting, is to facilitate, through increased efficiency and effectiveness, the education of knowledge and skills. Efficiency will be defined as the quickness by which we obtain knowledge, while the term effectiveness is associated with the amount of imparted knowledge that is operationally mastered. When technology is directly applied to an educational setting, such as a school, both the students and teachers can be viewed as learners. Thus, we can operate under the assumption that any increase in teacher knowledge and utilization has the impact of increased learning in students. Ultimately, technology should serve to increase student achievement in schools.

Reference: Munirah Sobri, (2012, November 30). Teknologi Dalam Pendidikan. 


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